Pickering Interfaces to showcase new MEMs-based RF multiplexers at IMS 2023
booth #1415, San Diego Convention Center, California, USA
June 2023 – Clacton-on-Sea, UK – Pickering Interfaces, the leading provider of modular signal switching & simulation products for electronic test & verification, will showcase its extensive range of RF & microwave switching, launching several new products, including the first modules in a new MEMS-based RF PXI/PXIe multiplexer family, on booth #1415 at IMS (International Microwave Symposium) 2023, at San Diego Convention Center in California, USA from June 13-15, 2023.
Ideal for wireless communications and semiconductor test, the new RF multiplexer family is powered by Ideal Switch® from partner, Menlo Microsystems, which are among the first MEMS components on the market with the performance characteristics to support demanding RF testing requirements. Steve Edwards, Switching Product Manager at Pickering, comments: “The new MEMS-based RF multiplexers deliver vastly increased operational life (up to 300x), faster operating speed (up to 60x), and higher bandwidth (with no reduction in RF power handling) versus traditional EMR (electromechanical relay) alternatives. Insertion loss also remains comparable with EMR switches and much lower than solid-state.”
In addition to the new RF multiplexer family in PXI/PXIe, Pickering will also highlight the following RF & microwave switching innovations on booth #1415 at IMS 2023, at San Diego Convention Center in California, USA from 13-15 June 2023:
· New 110 GHz PXI/PXIe microwave switch – supporting 5G & semiconductor test
· New Microwave Design Tool – a free online tool for configuring flexible LXI microwave switch products
· Flexible LXI microwave switch platform and turnkey services for LXI microwave switch & signal routing subsystems – including a custom 12x12 LXI microwave switching matrix demo
· Also on show will be a selection from Pickering’s broad portfolio of other switches, along with its PXI, PXIe & LXI/USB modular chassis, simulation products, and cables & connectors
Pickering Interfaces stands behind its manufactured products with a standard three-year warranty and guaranteed long-term product support. Pricing and availability information is supplied on its website at: www.pickeringtest.com
About Pickering Interfaces
Pickering Interfaces designs and manufactures modular signal switching & simulation for use in electronic test & verification. We offer the largest range of switching and simulation products in the industry for PXI, LXI, and PCI applications. We also provide cable and connector solutions, diagnostic test tools, and our application software and drivers created by our in-house software team to support these products.Pickering’s products are specified in test systems installed worldwide and have a reputation for providing excellent reliability and value. Pickering Interfaces operates globally with direct operations in the US, UK, Germany, Sweden, France, Czech Republic, and China, together with additional representation in countries throughout the Americas, Europe, and Asia. We currently serve all electronics industries, including automotive, aerospace & defense, energy, industrial, communications, medical, and semiconductor. For more information on signal switching & simulation products or sales contacts, please visit: www.pickeringtest.com
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