(中国.北京——2010年2月)全球领先的关键电源及制冷服务商,施耐德旗下的APC日前宣布,增强英飞软件管理系统的组件及功能,新系统可以帮助企业配置合理规模的数据中心物理基础设施设备,仅此一点,便可为企业节省38%的电费成本。APC英飞管理软件套装可完美的帮助企业提高能效并降低成本,协助企业进行长、短期规划以及完成相关预算工作。数据中心管理人员以及IT决策者可以利用APC新推出的管理套装软件实现对数据中心物理基础设施服务质量的全面监控、端到端的能耗监控、相关的各种成本监控。新款软件套装可以兼容不同品牌产品,是业内首款集成度最高、应用最广的关键IT支持系统,包括施耐德电气的PowerLogic ION-Enterprise电源管理、楼宇管理和企业管理,为管理人员创造一个能够进行监控并解决问题的轻松管理环境。
“企业希望通过公司上下的沟通做出正确的决策,而数据中心则应该是标准化的。对于复杂IT物理基础设施进行广泛、全面的检测以及分析,能够为我们的客户提供更高的效率以及全新水平的业务能力。”APC企业系统与服务软件部门高级副总裁Dave Guidette说,“此外,与施耐德电气集团的电力与楼宇控制系统的不断进行的集成以及引入英飞能效应用等方面所做出的努力都表明我们在推进最新技术成果EcoStruxure™架构方面迈出了坚实的一步,为客户提供了涵盖所有应用领域的智能能源管理系统的解决方案。
APC新推出的英飞管理软件套装(APC InfraStruxure Management Software portfolio)不仅包括了传统的供电、制冷、安全和环境管理功能,还为管理数据中心带来了所需的信息数据,比如预测模拟、滞留容量、设备耗损及健康状态、当前以及以往的电力使用效率值(PUE),能耗以及成本等。新软件系统减少了多次登录操作、简化了日常运营培训,为数据中心工作带来全新的视觉体验,包括预设以及定制化流程视图、趋势报告、物理设施示意图以及区域细分数据。软件套装包括了不同的组件:英飞能效管理(InfraStruxure Energy Efficiency),英飞运行管理( InfraStruxure Operations),英飞中央管理( InfraStruxure Central 6.0),英飞容量管理( InfraStruxure Capacity 6.0)和英飞移动管理(InfraStruxure Mobile 6.0)等。
“能源成本不断飙升,企业高层必须采用相应的措施或技术帮助管理能源成本曲线,这一点很重要。” Gartner副总裁Rakesh Kumar说。而IT公司能够通过APC的英飞能效管理软件(InfraStruxure Energy Efficiency)深入掌握当前以及历史PUE数据,并能够找出主要影响能效的环节,并实时准确掌握用于支持IT设备能耗占总设施能耗的比例。另外,数据中心管理者可以通过一个基于Web页面的控制界面,掌握细到子系统的能耗效率情况,并找出提高能效的解决方案。由于这个系统中子系统数据能够被测量或预测,用户不用电表也能了解应用的情况。
英飞运行管理(InfraStruxure Operations)组件可以区域为单位的明细图示,给管理者一个数据中心结构化的概略图,以区域划分,从全球到地方甚至到单一的资产单位,PUE计算器提供日常能耗的信息。
英飞中央管理(InfraStruxure Central) 6.0可以监控并管理所有联网设备,并把这些设备与其它管理系统进行集成,给出一个完整、端到端的数据中心视图。新软件视图可以通过关键电源和楼宇基础设施的双向互动,包括发电机、空气处理单元,通过电力公司与楼宇电表的互动管理电源质量,另外,通过集成PowerLogic ION-Enterprise,可实现“点击鼠标”即可实现的电力使用数据。
APC英飞管理软件配置套装软件(APC InfraStruxure Management Software Configuration Suite)可以“按需所定”,根据客户系统的规模大小灵活购买软件组件。新的软件套装根据功能情况有不同价格选择,全球有售。从2010年1月份开始,APC英飞管理软件配置套装软件正式全球销售。如需了解更多信息,请登录APC网站:www.apc.com,或拨打800-877-4080,亦可登录施耐德电气的Twitter网址:http://www.twitter.com/SchneiderNA。
施耐德电气旗下的APC, 作为全球领先的关键电源与制冷服务提供商,为家庭用户、办公场所、数据中心以及生产制造应用环境提供业内先进的产品、软件及系统。凭借其雄厚的实力、经验以及广泛的施耐德关键电源与制冷服务网络APC 提供贯穿整个服务生命周期的周全的计划、无缝安装以及维护整体解决方案。 通过其独有的不懈创新, APC为关键技术和工业应用提供开创性的能效解决方案。 在2007年, APC被施耐德电气收购,并与其旗下的MGE UPS成功合并成为施耐德电气旗下的子公司,提供关键电源与制冷服务。 2008年APC收入达到26亿欧元(含APC-MGE销售额36亿美元), 在全球拥有12,000名员工。APC解决方案包括不间断电源(UPS)、精密制冷产品、机柜、物理安全以及规划和管理软件,其中也包括业界最为全面的整合了电源、制冷与管理的解决方案——APC InfraStruXure®架构。施耐德电气现拥有11万4000名员工,业务遍及全球100个国家,2008年销售额达183亿欧元。欲了解更多关于APC公司的信息请访问www.apc.com,所有商标归其各自所有者。
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APC’s New InfraStruxure® Management Software Provides a Unified View and Analysis of Complex IT Physical Infrastructure to Ensure Quality, Efficiency and Accurate Planning
APC by Schneider Electric, a global leader in integrated critical power and cooling services, today announced new products and enhancements to its InfraStruxure® Management Software that identifies opportunities for savings such as right-sizing data center physical infrastructure equipment, which alone can save up to 38 percent in electrical costs [1]. The APC InfraStruxure Management Software portfolio helps companies improve energy and cost efficiencies and support short- and long-term planning, forecasting and budgeting. With the new portfolio, data center managers and IT executives have the ability to take a holistic view of data center physical infrastructure service quality, end-to-end energy use, and the various costs associated with it. The vendor-neutral software provides the industry’s first and broadest integrations with critical IT support systems, including Schneider Electric PowerLogic ION-Enterprise power management, building management and enterprise management, enabling the monitoring, controlling and resolving of issues in a user-friendly environment.
“Businesses are continually looking to make smart decisions across every part of their organization and data centers should be no different. A broad, comprehensive view and analysis of complex IT physical infrastructure enables greater efficiency and an entirely new level of business insight for our customers,” said Dave Guidette, senior vice president, Enterprise Systems, Services & Software, APC. “In addition, the continued integration to Schneider Electric’s Power and Building control systems and the introduction of the InfraStuxure Energy Efficiency application demonstrate definitive steps in our company’s delivery of the newly announced EcoStruxure™ architecture, providing customers with solutions that create an intelligent energy management system across all application areas.”
The new APC InfraStruxure Management Software portfolio moves beyond traditional monitoring and control of power, cooling, security and environment, to bring data centers the information needed to run as a business, such as predictive simulation and stranded capacity, equipment age and health, current and historic power usage effectiveness (PUE), energy use and costs. The software suite reduces multiple log-ins, simplifies training for day-to-day operations, and brings a new visual experience to the workings of the data center, including pre-set and customizable map views, trending reports, physical views and location-based drill-downs. The vendor-neutral portfolio, which includes the introduction of InfraStruxure Energy Efficiency, InfraStruxure Operations, InfraStruxure Central 6.0, InfraStruxure Capacity 6.0 and InfraStruxure Mobile 6.0, integrates and communicates with leading building, enterprise and network management systems through open-standards and includes a full SDK (Software Developers Kit) to custom integrate with other systems.
“With energy costs rising for most organizations, it is vital for executives to employ the appropriate tools and techniques to help manage the energy cost curve,” said Rakesh Kumar, Research Vice President, Gartner.
With InfraStruxure Energy Efficiency, IT organizations have insight into current and historical PUE data and can identify efficiency losses, enabling a fact-based understanding of how much power is devoted to driving the installed IT-equipment compared with the total facility consumption. In addition, through a web-based dashboard, data center executives have the ability to view detailed insight into how effectively energy is utilized down to the subsystem level, as well as an understanding of how to improve energy efficiency. As subsystem data can either be measured or estimated, customers with few power meters will also benefit from the application.
InfraStruxure Operations enables vendor-agnostic inventory management with real-time device failures, presents data shown within the data center physical layout and provides recommendations on how to resolve issues. Additionally, a location-based drill-down view provides a structured overview of data center locations from a global to local view down to single assets, and the PUE calculator supplies information on daily utilization of energy.
InfraStruxure Central 6.0 monitors and manages all networked physical infrastructure devices and integrates them with other management systems for a complete, end-to-end view of the data center. The new version of the software enables two-way communication with critical power and building infrastructure such as generators and air handlers, manages power quality from the utility through interaction with any building power meter, and provides click-of-a-button power utilization data via integration with PowerLogic ION-Enterprise.
Furthermore, new flexibility has been built into the APC InfraStruxure Management Software Configuration Suite of services, where a “pick-to-order” model allows customers to choose to have APC configure as much or as little of their system as they desire. The new service suite is competitively priced and available worldwide. APC InfraStruxure Management Software will be available worldwide starting January 2010. For more information on APC please visit www.apc.com, call 800-877-4080 or follow Schneider Electric on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/SchneiderNA.